FSCPC -- Mou Zongsan (Mou Tsung-San) (牟宗三) (中國哲學與文化研究基金會) 
Mou Zongsan
The English translation of Mou Zongsan's Nineteen Lectures on Chinese Philosophy has been published and is available for purchase at
  • https://www.createspace.com/»
  • https://www.amazon.com/»
  • The English translation of Autobiography at Fifty: A Philosophical Life in Twentieth Century China has been published and is available for purchase at
  • https://www.createspace.com/»
  • http://www.amazon.com/»
  • Copyrighted exclusively by FSCPC FSCPC is assigned the translation rights and publication rights by the estate of Mou Zongsan (also spelled Mou Tsung-san), which is the legal owner of the copyrights of Mou's works. FSCPC is entrusted by Mou's Estate to ensure that his philosophical thoughts are faithfully preserved in translation. The translation works appearing on this web site are fully authorized in accordance with FSCPC's rights. Any publication, in print, on the web, or in other forms, of any unauthorized translations, in whole or in part, is an explicit infringement of Mou's and FSCPC's rights. FSCPC reserves the right to pursue legal actions against such person(s) to the full extent allowed by the law. Readers are also forewarned about the risk that unauthorized translations appearing elsewhere may contain serious misrepresentations of Mou's thoughts.


    牟宗三哲學中的「物自身」概念 -- 李明輝


    雨、散步、哲思 ─ 記牟宗三先生的燕居 -- 林月惠
    春來之後,時時陰晴不定。 傍晚時分,突然聽到窗外的花葉滴滴答答作響,一抬頭,驀見滿天昏暗,細雨如線,恣意地灑向大地。歷經久旱,這一陣雨,令人有說不盡的喜悅,我心中也隨之興起一種悠遠卻明晰的感受:雨,猶如綿綿的思慕之情,居於心園,一旦無端湧起,總是久久不能自已...


    A Review of The Complete Works of Mou Zongsan -- by Esther C. Su
    In my many visits with Mou in his later years, I often heard him remark that his writings before he was fifty years old should not be read, and that only those he wrote when he was past fifty are worth studying (see 29:407)...

    混沌中長成的牟宗三先生 -- 李淳玲
    寫這篇文字,一方面是自己喜歡,一方面是把盧名揚先生英譯的 <在混沌中長成> 局部地介紹給讀者。 名揚目前正在為「美國中國哲學與文化研究基金」會翻譯牟先生的 <在混沌中長成> 的英譯目前刊在「中國哲學與文化研究基金會」的網站上.. (李淳玲)

    生命離其自己──簡介英譯《五十自述》第二章 -- 李淳玲
    牟宗三先生這本《五十自述》是一部奇書,因為文字緊煞、內容豐富,問題複雜深奧,向來並沒有受到學術界的重視。但是這可能與眼下的中國哲學界還湊泊不上牟先生的學問有關,並不表示這本書比他其 它的著作少掉些許的價值...
